What’s new... from 1 JulyFileuse d étoiles27 juin 20201 min de lecture From July 1st a new large format embroidery kit will be available, a Christmas scene on blue fabric with a 8 inches hoop. That’s it, 6" hoop have finally arrived...you can finally buy all the kits with the hoop. Due to a large number of orders,I close my shop until July 1st to be ableto prepare current orders in time Thank you for your understanding
From July 1st a new large format embroidery kit will be available, a Christmas scene on blue fabric with a 8 inches hoop. That’s it, 6" hoop have finally arrived...you can finally buy all the kits with the hoop. Due to a large number of orders,I close my shop until July 1st to be ableto prepare current orders in time Thank you for your understanding
Les nouveaux médaillons Anges sont disponiblesUn médaillon Ange fait sera le cadeau idéal pour une naissance ou pour être porté comme pendentif, épinglé sur une veste ou pour une...